Tuesday, December 14, 2021

What's up with the scraps?

Hey everyone, I'm gearing up to share some quilting patterns that I have drafted and want to share.  I once took a quilting class and the teacher stated that since you purchased all that fabric, make sure you use all that fabric.  Meaning, don't let scraps go unused! 

My goal is to create a few quilts using at least 50% of scraps from my scrap fabric totes.  Yes, I have been a quilter for about 20 years and I have a large selection of scrap fabrics that will turn into some lovely quilts.  

The question then becomes what to do with all those quilts?  I live in a cold climate and there is no shortage of people and family members who would like to have a nice warm cozy quilt.  

Quilts are more than blankets.  They are art.  

Watch for my patterns and my posts!  

I am also in a couple of quilt groups and we like to sew together and share some of our work with our local Christmas donation supply drive. What could be more wonderful that giving a gift that keeps you warm during cold winter months?

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1st 2025 donation quilt in progress